With more than 78% of Ugandan citizens below the age of 35; youth socio-economic transformation will require collaborative efforts. You too can support CUWEDE COD LAB’s effort by financing small projects and community-wide projects. You can also buy something from our Van and Gered gift shop or volunteer to fundraise for our work, share your skills with our team, learn new skills and cultures, and make new friends.
Our organization truly believes that by working together, we can impact more lives than ever before.
CUWEDE COD LAB, the cornerstone of our operations is accountability. We believe in taking full responsibility for our actions, decisions, and their outcomes. By fostering a culture of transparency and integrity, we ensure that our team is committed to delivering on promises and maintaining trust with our stakeholders.
Reliability is at the heart of CUWEDE COD LAB's mission. We strive to be a dependable partner for the young innovators and communities we serve. Our consistent and unwavering support helps to build strong, lasting relationships based on trust.
Efficiency is key to maximizing the impact of our programs and services at CUWEDE COD LAB. We are committed to optimizing our processes and resources to achieve the best possible outcomes with minimal waste. By prioritizing efficiency, we ensure that our efforts are directed towards creating meaningful change and empowering young people to innovate, accelerate, and scale up their ventures.
The majority of Uganda’s population is youthful and any effort for change that doesn’t involve them may not be sustained. So our interventions focus on children and young people, especially girls, women and children.
We will build the capacity of children and youth to challenge human rights violations, help them acquire knowledge and skills and support them to develop capacity and resilience required for sustained development.
We work in partnerships and collaboration with fellow civil society organisations, youth groups and associations, women organizations and groups as well as state institutions.
CUWEDE COD LAB, Established as a Community Based Organisation in 2006, CUWEDE COD LAB is a youth-focused Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) and a company limited by guarantee under the Companies Act, 2012 of Uganda based in the Northern Region of Uganda and currently has presence in the four districts of Nebbi, Zombo, Pakwach and Madi-Okollo.
We are a unique creative & cutting-edge local based organisation that connects community-based and youth-led groups to build power & agency of children & young people, tackle violence & discrimination, build resilience to natural & man-made shocks, and expand spaces for influence in the world around them.
Reg No. URSB#80020003228052
Reg. No NGO Bureau: 8133
Permit No. 09838
Certificate No. 0SH23-00810
ACWW Membership No. 95594
Nebbi District
Alengokuma (Erussi Town)
Plot 12-13 Market Road
P.O.Box 231, Nebbi
Mob: +256 (0) 782413533 | +256(0) 772368026
E-mail: info@cuwedecodlab.org | cuwede@gmail.com